012§ Blood and Gold (暫譯《聖血與純金》) / 安.萊絲 Anne Rice
§ Memnoch the Devil (暫譯《惡魔蔓諾克》) (中途放棄) / 安.萊絲 Anne Rice
Ballantine Books出版
吸血鬼天后安萊絲的代表作-吸血鬼年代記(The Vampire Chronicles,又譯作「吸血鬼年鑑」)當年由時報出版社引進,但僅出版完本系列第四集《肉體竊賊》後就慘遭斷頭。這一陣子,時報計畫出版第六集《少年吸血鬼阿曼德 The Vampire Armand》(暫譯)的官方消息傳出,但至今仍未見實際出版。而且,為什麼會略過第五集呢?感覺不是很可靠的樣子......
之前晃去學校圖書館的英文書區,原本打算借幾本史蒂芬金(Stephen King),不過一整排的安萊絲作品恰巧先映入我的眼簾。真是太巧了,圖書館雖然並沒有完整的吸血鬼年代記系列,但是缺漏者我不是讀過中文版就是跟朋友借過英文版,於是就把還沒讀過的一口氣全借回家。
不過,雖然主角是書迷熟悉的吸血鬼黎斯特(Lestat),但開始讀《Memnoch the Devil》後卻覺得一直無法進入狀況。我一直說服自己:「鋪陳或許會無聊些,等到進入主要情節後就會開始精彩了」,但卻仍一直不見安萊絲最讓我喜愛的歌德風味(gothic)。總之,氣氛一整個就是不對啊。
中途放棄了,改為閱讀《Blood and Gold》。但是,讀起來還是不太妙。
有不少安萊絲的書迷也不諱言,安天后的吸血鬼年代記到後期轉變為以吸血鬼包裝的神學故事,而且所敘述的故事幾乎都是在前幾本作品中描述過的,只不過是換了其他吸血鬼作為視角,讓人有「炒冷飯」的感覺。像是這本《Blood and Gold》,裡面的內容大概一半出自《天譴者的女王 The Queen of the Damned》、一半出自《少年吸血鬼阿曼德 The Vampire Armand》,新的情節所佔的比例少之又少。
其實我還挺喜歡《少年吸血鬼阿曼德》的,當時對阿曼德的主人Marius留下非常深刻的印象。我又怎麼能想見到了《Blood and Gold》中,Marius當時的所作所為的動機全被顛覆了,原本的形象也完全破滅。全篇故事瀰漫著濃烈的偏執與優柔寡斷,我真的完全摸不透書中角色的心理。安萊絲在故事中加入大量的歷史:從基督教興起、黑死病到文藝復興,甚至還讓名畫家波提且利(Botticelli,著名畫作包含「維納斯的誕生」)登場。但空有華麗舞台卻未能善加發揮,造成整體架構失衡(由其是在結尾前草草塞入的兩段「故事」)。
事實證明,系列作真的很容易變調,無論是小說、電影或是影集,而且只要出現一篇「脫軌」的故事,整個系列就會走味了。好端端的「人魔三部曲」因為莫名其妙冒出來的前傳《人魔崛起》而毀就是一個血淋淋的例子,影集《尋骨線索 Bones》愈來愈偏離最迷人的鑑識科學辦案......;看來看去,好像只有史蒂芬金的「黑塔七部曲」從頭到尾皆維持著個人特色,且愈到後面愈精彩。
嗯......我打算放棄後面幾部的吸血鬼年代記了。聽說安萊絲的「梅菲爾女巫 Lives of the Mayfair」三部曲之首部曲:《巫異時分 The Witching Hour》(暫譯)是她寫作生涯顛峰時期的代表性作品之一,或許有機會再找來讀讀。
吸血鬼年代記(The Vampire Chronicles):括號內為原作出版年份
1. 夜訪吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire (1976)
2. 吸血鬼黎斯特 The Vampire Lestat (1985)
3. 天譴者的女王 The Queen of the Damned (1988)
4. 肉體竊賊 The Tale of the Body Thief (1992)
5. 惡魔蔓諾克(暫譯) Memnoch the Devil (1995)
6. 少年吸血鬼阿曼德 The Vampire Armand (1998)
7. 玫瑞可(暫譯) Merrick (2000)
8. 聖血與純金(暫譯) Blood and Gold (2001)
9. 布萊克伍德農莊(暫譯) Blackwood Farm (2002)
10. 血夜頌歌(暫譯) Blood Canticle (2003)
《Memnoch the Devil》內容簡介:
In the fifth Vampire Chronicle, Lestat is searching for Dora, the beautiful and charismatic mortal daughter of a drug lord. Dora has moved Lestat like no other mortal ever has, and he cannot get her out of his visions. At the same time, he is increasingly aware that the Devil knows who he is and wants something from him. While torn betwen his vampire world and his passion for Dora, Lestat is sucked in by Memnoch, who claims to be the Devil himself. Memnoch presents Lestat with unimagined opportunities: to witness creation, to visit purgatory, to be treated like a prophet. Lestat faces a choice between the Devil or God. Whom does he believe in? Who does he serve? What are the element of religious belief? Lestat finds himself caught in a whirlpool of the ultimate choice
《Blood and Gold》內容簡介:
The golden-haired Marius, true Child of the Millennia, once mentor to The Vampire Lestat, always and forever the conscientious foe of the Evil Doer, reveals in his own intense yet intimate voice the secrets of his two-thousand-year existence.
Once a proud Senator in Imperial Rome, kidnapped and made a "blood god" by the Druids, Marius becomes the embittered protector of Akasha and Enkil, Queen and King of the vampires, in whom the core of the supernatural race resides.
We follow him through his heartbreaking abandonment of the vampire Pandora. Through him we see the fall of pagan Rome to the Emperor Constantine and the horrific sack of the Eternal City itself at the hands of the Visigoths.
Bravely, Marius seeks a new civilization in the midst of glittering Constantinople, only to meet with the blood drinker Eudoxia. We see him ultimately returning to his beloved Italy, where after the horrors of the Black Death, he is restored by the beauty of the Renaissance. We see him become a painter living dangerously yet happily among mortals, giving his heart to the great Botticelli, to the bewitching courtesan Bianca, and to the mysterious young apprentice Armand.
Moving from Rome to Florence, Venice, and Dresden, and to the English castle of the secret scholarly order of the Talamasca, the novel reaches its dramatic finale in our own time, deep in the jungle where Marius, having told hi slife story, seeks some measure of justice from the oldest vampires in the world.