Random House出版
這本書以阿曼德向在《肉體竊賊》中首度登場的大衛敘述自己的故事作為主軸。我的閱讀尺度向來頗寬。一開始我覺得《吸血鬼阿曼德》是以吸血鬼故事作包裝的BL,OK我可以接受,但後來當尺度越來越超過時,我不禁回想到之前聽安萊絲的情色文學《The Beauty Trilogy》有聲書的慘劇。雖然說有了《The Beauty Trilogy》的經驗,應該不會有什麼情節會嚇倒我了(主僕、施虐與受虐),只是當看到那些情慾愈來愈暴烈、扭曲、複雜、邪惡,且安萊絲以大量的殘酷悲慘情節堆疊企圖營造出阿曼德的悲劇性時,我只能暫時將這本該讀完第一部(篇幅超過全書一半)的書「封印」起來,讓自己沉澱。明明只剩下不到四分之一的篇幅就可以讀完結局,卻怎麼也無法繼續。
如今陷入沉睡之中的黎斯特,竟然親睹天堂與地獄,甚至上帝的容顏。他所描繪出的天堂與地獄,會是什麼樣的面貌呢?而黎斯特來回的聖顏巾(The Veil,又譯「聖帕」,傳聞耶穌受難時面容印在拭面的聖顏巾上),又是如何令阿曼德起了巨大的改變呢?
In the latest installment of The Vampire Chronicles, Anne Rice summons up dazzling worlds to bring us the story of Armand - eternally young, with the face of a Botticelli angel. Armand, who first appeared in all his dark glory more than twenty years ago in the now-classic Interview with the Vampire, the first of The Vampire Chronicles, the novel that established its author worldwide as a magnificent storyteller and creator of magical realms.
Now, we go with Armand across the centuries to the Kiev Rus of his boyhood - a ruined city under Mongol dominion - and to ancient Constantinople, where Tartar raiders sell him into slavery. And in a magnificent palazzo in the Venice of the Renaissance we see him emotionally and intellectually in thrall to the great vampire Marius, who masquerades among humankind as a mysterious, reclusive painter and who will bestow upon Armand the gift of vampiric blood.
As the novel races to its climax, moving through scenes of luxury and elegance, of ambush, fire, and devil worship to nineteenth-century Paris and today's New Orleans, we see its eternally vulnerable and romantic hero forced to choose between his twilight immortality and the salvation of his immortal soul.