安德魯洛伊韋伯的部份,由前妻莎拉布萊曼(Sarah Brightman)發表感人的演說,並且為簡介影片擔任旁白。
"He is forever testing himself, questioning and moving forward with his music. As soon as he has completed one project he is onto the next with all the love, enthusiasm and nervousness of a newcomer. When he is composing he only looks as if he's in the room with you. In reality, he is far, far away, in some exalted place where there is only him and the notes. But, when he comes back, he brings with him music that is exciting, moving and beautiful. He brings a vision that makes an unforgettable experience out of a story set to song. That is why tonight and every night, people around the world are going to see Andrew Lloyd Webber shows ... his music of the night is music for all time." (節錄自莎拉布萊曼的致敬辭)
現場的表演將韋伯創作的精華完美呈現,包含Corey Glover演出《萬世巨星Jesus Christ Superstar》中的 "Superstar",Christine Ebersole演唱 "As if We Never Said Goodbye" (選自《日落大道Sunset Boulevard》) , Elena Roger演唱選自《艾薇塔Evita》(電影版譯名《阿根廷別為我哭泣》)的 "Buenos Aires" ,跨界歌手Josh Groban(喬許葛洛班) 演唱讓韋伯落淚、選自《歌劇魅影The Phantom of the Opera》的經典名曲 “Music of the Night" ,《貓Cats》的原始卡司Betty Buckley演唱曠世經典 "Memory" ,同樣也是原始卡司的莎拉布萊曼也加入演唱。
以下影片第一段為莎拉的致詞及表演片段,第二段為喬許葛洛班演唱 “Music of the Night” 實況。