James Horner 詹姆士霍納(作曲) – 《The New World》電影原聲帶
Hayley Westenra 海莉(演唱) – Listen to the Wind 

James Horner最著名的電影配樂作品就是《鐵達尼號》(Titanic) 以及《美麗境界》(A Beautiful Mind”)了。在國外2005年發行的 《The New World》原聲帶中,紐西蘭跨界歌手海莉應邀演唱主題曲Listen to the Wind」不過也是因為這個原因,她才臨時取消訪問台灣的行程,讓我失望很久。此部電影描述的主題就是迪士尼卡通《風中奇緣》的故事,那位印地安公主真有其人。


  和風中奇緣經典的主題曲「Colors of the Wind」(風之彩)相較,兩首歌曲都有風的主題,也都有對自然的關懷。風之彩的主唱歌聲是豪放的,而海莉演唱傾聽風則是和煦如微風。





Hayley Westenra - Listen To The Wind  (藍色雷斯里 )


Time is a river that flows endlessly 時光是無盡湧流的河

And a life is a whisper,  人生是個輕嘆

a kiss in a dream  是夢中的吻


Shadows dance behind the firelight  陰影在火光後面起舞

And all the spirits of the night remind us  夜晚之精靈提醒著

We’re not alone  我們並不孤獨


Tomorrow, a sun soon rising  明日是快速上升的朝陽

And yesterday is there beside us  而昨日伴我們於此

And it's never far away  永不遠離


If you listen to the wind you can hear me again  如果傾聽風,你會再次聽見我

Even when I'm gone you can still hear the song  當我離開人世,你仍能聽見這首歌

High up in the trees as it moves through the leaves  穿過樹葉,高掛在樹梢

Listen to the wind, there's no end to my...  傾聽風,永無止境


Love is forever a circle unbroken 愛情永遠是個完整的圓

The seasons keep changing  季節持續更迭

it always remains  總是生生不息


Spring will melt the snows of winter  春天將融化冬之雪

And the summer gives us days of light  夏天帶來光亮的日子

So long till autumn makes them fade  直到秋季使之逝去


Remember the sound of laughter  銘記歡笑之聲

We ran together through the meadows  我們奔跑越過草地

Still we thought our hearts could break  仍認為會心碎


If you listen to the wind,  如果傾聽風

you can hear me again  你會再次聽見我

Even when I'm gone you can still hear the song  當我離開人世,你仍能聽見這首歌

High up in the trees as it moves through the leaves  穿過樹葉,高掛在樹梢

Listen to the wind and I'll send you my love  傾聽風,我會遞送我的愛給你


Listen to the wind where the sky meets the land  在天空和陸地交會之處傾聽風

I'm not really gone I've been here all along  我沒有真正離開,我始終在此

High up in the trees in the sound of the leaves  在枝頭高處,在樹葉的聲響裡

Listen to the wind there's no end to my...  傾聽風,永無止境


Time is a river that flows to the sea  時光是流至海洋的河

And a life is a whisper, a kiss in a dream  人生是輕嘆,是夢中的吻


Mychael Danna (作曲) – 《浮華新世界》(Vanity Fair) 電影原聲帶
Sissel 西絲兒(演唱) – She Walks in Beauty 


  金法尤物》女主角瑞絲維絲朋主演的《Vanity Fair》是根據文學名著改編的,她恰到好處的演技成功的詮釋了一心想擠身上流社會的女孩如何沉淪為浮華虛榮的女人,以及在繁華散盡後的重新省思。




  這首電影開場曲是改編自著名詩人拜倫(George Gorden, Lord Byron)的詩篇 〈She Walks in Beauty〉 。唯美的詩句將迷人女子的高雅與純美細膩的表現,搭配著電影畫面中的漣漪、蓮花、孔雀等浪漫的畫面,將氣氛提升到飽滿的頂點,同時也暗示著浮華的主題。





She Walks in Beauty (藍色雷斯里 )


She walks in beauty, like the night 她如夜晚一般優美的走著

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;  在萬里無雲的星空上

And all that's best of dark and bright最美妙的黑暗與光亮

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:  凝聚在她的容顏與眼眸中

Thus mellowed to that tender light  如此芳醇,柔情綻亮

Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.  使白晝也顯得虛俗


One shade the more, one ray the less,  增一分影,減一線光

Had half impaired the nameless grace  便將這難以言喻的美

Which waves in every raven tress,   綹綹絲波揚飄動

Or softly lightens o'er her face;   柔和的映亮她的臉

Where thoughts serenely sweet express,  寧靜的思緒

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.  在她純淨高貴的身上甜美的顯現


And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,  在那臉頰上,眉宇間

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,  是如此的柔軟,如此的平靜又動人

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,  迷人微笑,發亮的淡彩容顏

But tell of days in goodness spent,  訴說著美善的時日

A mind at peace with all below,  與眾相安的平和心緒

A heart whose love is innocent!   擁有純真之愛的心靈


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