

Prayer (祈禱)

海莉的版本和秘密花園(Secret Garden)的原版比較,兩者同樣都有極度靜謐的氣氛,很適合在有月光的深夜聆聽。祕密花園的版本伴奏充滿濃厚的居爾特氣息。(唱片公司錯譯為祈禱者」)


Prayer  祈禱


Let your arms enfold us   穿越夜晚的黑暗
Through the dark of night   伸出臂彎環擁我們
Will your angels hold us   你的天使會擁抱我們嗎
Till we see the light   直到我們看見光明

Hush, lay down your troubled mind   安靜,卸下你疲憊的心靈
The day has vanished and left us behind   白天已經消逝並離我們而去
And the wind, whispering soft lullabies   風輕吟著舒緩的搖籃曲
Will soothe, so close your weary eyes   那將會撫慰我們的心,所已閉上你疲倦的眼


Sleep, angels will watch over you   睡吧,天使會看著你
And soon beautiful dreams will come true   很快的,美夢會成真
Can you feel spirits embracing your soul   你能感覺到精靈們擁著你的靈魂嗎
So dream while secrets of darkness unfold   所以當黑暗的秘密顯露時,做個夢吧


Never Saw Blue (從未看過這樣的藍)

翻唱80年代Shawn Colvin的名曲。海莉的版本除了嗓音清澈晶瑩,更把此曲清新的氣息完全釋放。非常喜歡!歌詞的意境很美!



Never Saw Blue

Today we took a walk up the street,
We picked a flower and climbed a hill above the lake
Secret thoughts, u said aloud,
We watched the faces in the clouds
Until the clouds have blown away
Were we ever somewhere else u know
It's hard to say

I never saw a blue like that before
Across the sky, around the world
You're giving me all u have and more
No one else has ever shown me how
To see the world the way I see it now, oh I
I never saw a blue like that (before)

I can't believe
A month ago I was alone
I didn't know u, I've never seen you, or heard your name
And even now, I'm so amazed it's like a dream
It's like a rainbow, it's like the rain
Some things are the way they are and words just can't explain

It feels like now, it feels always,
And it feels like coming home

Oh, oh I, I never saw blue like that



Dell’amore Non Si Sa (不解風情另譯「愛無所不在」)



Ave Maria (聖母頌)




Both Sides Now (兩面看待)(唱片公司譯為「正反兩面」)

傳奇歌手Joni Mitchell的名曲。伴奏只有簡單的吉他和弦和淡淡的弦樂,襯托出海莉清澈甜美的音質。我也很喜歡這首歌的歌詞。(不過唱片公司亂翻譯,除了文意錯誤,甚至摩天輪」都翻成「渡輪」!所以我重新自己翻譯列於下方)




Both Sides Now   兩面看待


Rows and flows of angel hair   蝴蝶結與飄落的天使髮絲
And ice cream castles in the air   空中的冰淇淋城堡
And feather canyons ev’rywhere   如羽毛般的覆蓋峽谷
I’ve looked at clouds that way   我曾那樣看著雲

But now they only block the sun   但它們卻遮蔽了太陽
They rain and snow on ev’ryone   在人們身上降雨飄雪
So many things I would have done   我原本可以做很多事
But clouds got in my way   雲卻來壞事

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now   我曾從上下兩面
From up and down, and still somehow   看著雲朵,但不知為何
It’s cloud illusions I recall   我想到雲的幻象
I really don’t know clouds at all   我真的一點都不了解雲

Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels   月亮、六月天和摩天輪
The dizzy dancing way you feel   令人暈眩的舞步
As ev’ry fairy tale comes real   每則童話都成真
I’ve looked at love that way   我曾經那樣看待愛情

But now it’s just another show   但是現在這只是又一場秀
You leave ’em laughing when you go   你在眾人的訕笑中離開
And if you care, don’t let them know   如果你在乎,別讓他們知道
Don’t give yourself away   別洩露自己的心事

I’ve looked at love from both sides now  我曾經從施受兩面
From give and take, and still somehow   看待愛情,但不知為何
It’s love’s illusions I recall   我想起愛情的虛幻
I really don’t know love at all   我真的一點都不了解愛情

Tears and fears and feeling proud   淚水、恐懼和驕傲
To say I love you right out loud   大聲說出我愛你
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds   夢想、計畫和馬戲團小丑
I’ve looked at life that way   我曾經那樣看待人生

But now old friends are acting strange   但現在老友們舉止怪異
They shake their heads, they say I’ve changed   他們搖頭,說我變了
Well something’s lost, but something’s gained   有失必有得
In living ev’ry day   這就是人生

I’ve looked at life from both sides now   我曾經從得失兩面
From win and lose and still somehow   看待人生,但不知為何
It’s life’s illusions I recall   我想到人生無常
I really don’t know life at all   我真的一點都不了解人生


What You Never Know (你從未知道的事)

莎拉布萊曼(Sarah Brightman)版比較,莎拉版的伴奏比較有氣氛。海莉版則是再簡化,使的歌曲更單純,還加了一段歌詞。



May It Be (但願) 






May It Be   但願

May it be   但願
An evening star   一顆夜之星辰
Shines down upon you   照耀著你


May it be   但願
When darkness falls   黑暗降臨時
Your heart will be true   你的心志堅定


You walk a lonely road   在孤獨的路上行走
Oh how far you are from home   喔 你離家多遠


(Quenya”Darkness has come)   (精靈語:黑暗已至」)
Believe   心存信念
And you will find your way   你會找到出路
(Quenya”Darkness has fallen)   (精靈語:黑暗已臨」)
A promise lives   誓約
Within you now   存留你心


May it be   但願
The shadow’s call   陰影的召喚
Will fly away   將會飛散


May it be   但願
You journey on   你啟程
To light the day   以照亮這一天


When the night is overcome   當黑夜被擊退
You may rise to find the sun   你會升起尋覓陽光


A promise lives   誓約
Within you now   存留你心


Quanta Qualia (拉丁文讚美詩)



Bachianas Brasileiras No.5 Aria(巴西人的巴哈第五號)




She Moves Thorough the Fair (她穿過市集)




I Say Grace (我讚美)




My Heart Belongs to You (我心屬於你)






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